The Aesthetic Expressions of Traditional Barber Shops in Southern Tehran

  • “In this documentary project, I explore the identity dynamics within Iranian society through the lens of traditional barber shops in southern Tehran. These shops fascinate me with their lively facades and nostalgic charm, as they reveal the intricate interplay of tradition and modernity in our culture.

These shops exist in a paradoxical space – they are exposed to the bustling streets yet hidden behind vibrant banners, reflecting an ongoi cultural conflict. Unlike the upscale beauty salons that dominate affluent areas with their lavish decorations and high-end services, these small establishments cling to their traditional aesthetics and struggle for survival in the city’s alleys.

Through this exploration, I document a decreasing presence of these shops, as they diverge from the prevailing trends and societal norms. these shops, as they diverge from the prevailing trends and societal norms. I also capture the enduring presence of kitsch, a distinctive element of their aesthetic expression. These shops serve as canvases where individuality and kinship intertwine, transcending socio-economic boundaries. Adorned with elements reflecting personal taste and cultural heritage, these shops offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Iranian society.”